Mr. KANG Panha
Legal Advisor
Mr. KANG Panha is a Founder Member and Senior Legal Advisor at PISSOTH & Associates Law Office.
Mr. KANG Panha has been working as a Legal Advisor at PISSOTH & Associates Law Office since 2021. Being a part of PISSOTH & Associates Law Office, he has been participating in Cooperate team
and working with Legal Advisors and Lawyers. He actively supports to the team by providing an assistance in legal research, translating, meeting with clients and drafting contract. Beside the cooperate work, he also works on litigation case such as: drafting legal documents. Moreover, he is also responsible for administration work. According to those experiences, he has earned knowledge and improve his skill on legal field. Besides Khmer Language which is her mother tongue, he is good at English and French very well.
-2013-2017: Bachelor of Law at Royal University of Law and Economics and Lumière Lyon II University.
- panha.kang@pissoth-associates.com
- +855 (0) 93 791 111